Does Real Gold Tarnish?

Solid gold, treasured for its amazing value and investment. It makes you stand out, whether chillin in the summer sun by the pool or layering the rich colors of your pieces with winter attire. Gold elevates your visual appeal; it's a scarce metal, known for its representation of prestige nature. Jewelry owners cherish solid gold pieces not just for the looks but also for its ability to retain worth over generations to pass down. Despite the resistance to wear and tear, questions about the possibility of tarnishing always get tossed around. Allow us to jump straight into this topic and provide some extra clarity.


Jewelry crafted from solid gold is noticed by its karat rating, indicating the purity of the metal. The most pure form, 24k gold, is the most rare and too soft for making durable jewelry. More robust options like 10k gold or 14k gold are usually chosen, mixing gold with other alloys to enhance strength and prevent damage in your gold chains or rings. This idea also goes to variants like white gold and rose gold as well. For those wanting more clarity on maintaining the best condition of these precious metals, our quick care tips are listed on our blog pages as well.


While it's true that gold, especially below 24K, can tarnish, the statement is not entirely negative. The main fact is that gold tarnishing is manageable. With proper care and occasional cleaning with a polishing cloth, gold jewelry can maintain its lustrous look and shine, making it a timeless investment piece. 


When gold tarnished, it mainly happens when it reacts with other substances in the environment or even body. Everyday things like oxygen, moisture in the air, and even sprays and lotions can interact with these metals, leading to tarnishing over time without cleaning. This natural reaction not only authenticates your jewelry but also allows you a way to learn more in proper care routines. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help restore the shine. 


Caring for your gold jewelry will preserve its shine and also makes you feel better knowing its not dirty. Regular maintenance like simple gentle polishing with a soft polishing cloth and storing your jewelry in a dry secure place will significantly minimizes the risk of it tarnishing or get scratched, so itll last for more years to come. Exposure to chemicals or rough handling can definitely affect the jewelry, doing these simple and effective care routines will turn your maintenance into a ritual making sure its always on point. These small things of jewelry care will help with the longevity of your pieces to make sure they hold value and will be there to pass down for generations.